An exfoliating skin treatment designed to remove lifeless cells and undesired facial hair.


Dermaplaning is a very effective exfoliation procedure that can be performed quickly and with minimal skin irritation when administered by our highly-trained providers. After your Dermaplane procedure is complete, your skin will feel smoother, and much of the fine hair on the face will also be eliminated.

How does Dermaplaning work?

Dermaplane Tool

Dermaplane Tool

Dermaplaning is one of many exfoliation treatments offered by Extend Skin Lab. In some ways, it is similar to microdermabrasion procedures in that it removes dead skin cells from the surface of your skin to gradually reduce hyperpigmentation and the appearance of wrinkles. However, Dermaplane is distinctly different…

When Extend’s licensed estheticians administer Dermaplaning, they use a specialized sharp blade. The blade is positioned at an approximately 45-degree angle in relation to the skin and is gently swept across the skin’s surface.

The sweeping action gently removes dead skin cells in the upper-most layers of the skin; cells which are often at the end of the skin’s natural regeneration cycle and can make it appear dull or discolored. In the process, the Dermaplane blade also removes the fine hair on the skin, which can reduce the need for waxing, although this procedure does not take the place of facial waxing completely

Does Dermaplaning hurt?

No, when performed by our expert aestheticians, Dermaplaning does not hurt at all and doesn’t require any local or topical anesthetics. In many ways, it feels similar to shaving the skin, with a scrubbing sensation, but no pain.

Does hair grow back thicker?

One issue that patients are often concerned with when getting this service is whether facial hair will grow back thicker or grow back faster. There is no need to worry, as Dermaplaning will not cause any of these problems! The treatment is designed to remove dead skin cells, and any facial hair that is cut during the process will grow back at its normal rate and normal thickness. Dermaplaning will not cause any changes to the hair growth cycle or thickness.

How often should I get a Dermaplane treatment?

When visiting Extend Skin Lab, you will be able to consult with one of our expert providers, who will help you design a custom treatment schedule. However, in most cases, it is recommended to get Dermaplane treatments in intervals of 3-4 weeks, as this will coincide with the skin’s natural regeneration cycle, and makes the procedure more beneficial.

If you are concerned with the current quality of your skin and would like to have procedures more frequently, a custom treatment plan can be designed where Dermaplane is administered every 3-4 weeks, with other facial treatments being scheduled in between.



  • Provides deeper product penetration

  • Removes soft facial hair that traps dirt and oils

  • Promotes smoother skin

  • Safe procedure for removing dead skin cells and “peachfuzz”

  • Reduces the appearance of acne scars

  • Diminishes the look of fine lines

  • Works on all skin types

  • Instant results and no downtime


  • Current inflamed acne lesions

  • Skin cancer

  • Active cold sores

  • Uncontrolled diabetes

  • Dermatitis

  • Open skin lesions

  • Use of Accutane currently or in the past six months

  • Use of prescription retinol within a week of treatment